Carine Paulus

Since 1991, I have been working at KU Leuven as an administrative assistant in several faculties, including the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Law and, since 2005, in the education and student administration of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the Leuven campus.
In these individualistic times, I am convinced that collective social consultation remains necessary to improve working conditions for all, including less empowered employees. I listen to colleagues' experiences and concerns and signal what is going on to the ACLVB trade union delegation or refer to the right person to solve an acute problem.
Since 2020, I have been an alternate member of the Workplace Safety Committee (CPBW). I am happy to stand for re-election to further advocate for a safe working environment and the physical and mental well-being of all employees.
In my spare time, I like to go to the cinema and can enjoy long beach walks on our North Sea coast. I am also always up for a walk with colleagues during lunch breaks.