Personnel Matters Committee


The Personnel Matters Committee has primarily advisory powers. It is a place where KU Leuven as an employer can informally consult with the elected employee representatives. In addition, the employee delegation of the Personnel Matters Committee exercises the powers of the trade union delegation as provided for in national collective labor agreement number 5 (CLA 5). This means, among other things, that individual files can be discussed within the Committee or negotiations can be conducted with regard to the adjustment of collective labor agreements (CLA's).
The Personnel Matters Committee also has a formal role in certain procedures provided for in the ATP Collective Labor Agreement (see art. 19 and art. 50 of the ATP Collective Labor Agreement).


After the social elections of May 19, 2016, the first social elections after the integration of university courses, the composition of the Personnel Matters Committee was updated.

The employers' delegation is appointed by the Executieve Board (Gebu or Gemeenschappelijk Bureau). The chairman is the personnel director or his representative.

The employee delegation is appointed by the trade unions. It consists of a maximum of 12 members and 8 alternates. The representatives are chosen from the elected members of both Works Councils or Work Safety Committees of KU Leuven. The trade union secretaries of the three trade unions attend the meeting of the Personnel Matters Committee.

ACLVB delegates 5 of the 12 effective members and 4 of the 8 alternates:

Peter Maertens
Toon Boon
Kirsten Verhaegen
Reinhilde Hermans
Ilse Roelandt

Patrick Boon
Martine Raets
Myriam Swartenbroeckx
Tom Van Der Donck