Workplace Safety Committees (CPBW)

Since the agreements made between employer and employees following the social elections of November 2020, KU Leuven only has two CPPWs:

  • Workplace Safety Committee Leuven-Brussels-Antwerp-Limburg
  • Workplace Safety Committee Oost-West-Vlaanderen


The main task of the Workplace Safety Committee is to identify and propose all means and to actively contribute to everything that is done to ensure the well-being of employees (occupational safety, health, occupational hygiene, ergonomics, psychosocial burden, etc.) in the implementation their work. The Workplace Safety Committee provides advice on preventive measures to be taken in many areas, for example on psychosocial risks at work (violence, bullying, inappropriate behaviour, etc.).

An important instrument for employees is the option to request an audit (screening) to be carried out by the external prevention advisor of workplaces where serious risks occur.


A permanent delegation must be appointed within the Workplace Safety Committee to immediately go to the scene when there is an urgent reason to do so and whenever a serious accident, technical incident or intoxication is feared or has occurred.

The Workplace Safety Committee must also appoint a permanent delegation to assist the labor inspector during his supervisory visits to the company.

ACLVB delegation in case of serious incidents: Peter Maertens, Filip Hendrickx, Katty Delecluyse and Filip Laermans
ACLVB delegation during inspection: Peter Maertens, Mark De Reu, Filip Hendrickx and Kirsten Verhaegen


The Workplace Safety Committee is composed by:

  • the head of the company and one or more employer representatives designated by him, who may not be more numerous than the employee representatives;
  • a maximum of 24 staff representatives (21 in the "white collar" category, 3 in the "young person" category);
  • the KU Leuven prevention advisor;
  • other prevention advisors from the HSE Department (VGM) and/or the External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work and the environmental coordinator can attend the Committee meetings whenever an item is on the agenda that corresponds to their competence;
  • the confidential counselor can attend Committee meetings whenever an item is on the agenda that relates to the prevention of psychosocial risks at work.

For the Workplace Safety Committee Leuven-Brussels-Antwerp-Limburg, the following colleagues are nominated for the ACLVB in the category "white collar" in the upcoming social elections (in order of entry on electoral list number 1 ACLVB):
Toon Boon
Peter Maertens
Gerda Celis
Kris Neyens
Karin Dahlem
Laura Drechsler
Filip Hendrickx
Filip Laermans
Tom Van Der Donck
Reinhilde Hermans
Myriam Swartenbroeckx
Geert Verbeke
Marc Stroobants
Patrick Boon
Chris Depuydt
Mieke Decaluwe
Katty Delecluyse
Carla Rios Luci
Mark De Reu
Carine Paulus
Stephen Solinas
Glenda Morgado
Cindy Moons
Geert Hiel
Ingrid Franken
Joris Van Dyck
Danny Wautraets
Theo Everaerts
Myriam Verheyden
Jan Dierick
Dirk Ryckaert
Fanny Leysen
Patrick Maes
Emile Marien
Veerle Timmermans
Ronny Patijn
Bert Claesen
Carlo Everaerts
Geert Servranckx
Jean-Pierre Locquet
Danielle Doens
Kirsten Verhaegen

For the Workplace Safety Committee Oost-West-Vlaanderen, the following colleagues are putting themselves forward as candidates for the ACLVB in the category "white-collar workers" in the upcoming social elections (in order of entry on electoral list number 1 ACLVB):
Nico De Smet
Ilse Roelandt