Chris Depuydt

Chris started working at KU Leuven in July 2014 as expert hospitalisation insurance at the insurance office and since November 2018 she works at Campus Group T at Student Affairs.
Chris is ATP-representative since 2019 and since 2023 in the Faculty-board FIIW. She's also deputy representative on the Works Council and on the Workplace Safety Committee.
She want's to be a representative for everyone and therefore she always pays attention to all remarks from colleague's in all staff sections. Respect and honesty are basic values for her.
As a mom for 3 sons and 2 daughter's in law, she also enjoys here 2 granddaughters as "moeke".
Is her spare time she reads, does crosswords or she can be found working in the garden. She cares a lot about animals and especially from a shelter, looking for a golden home. She already adopted 10 cats and 1 dog (from Spain).