Fanny Leysen

Fanny has been working for KULeuven since September 2015, first for 7 years for the accounting department, now for the work psychology department.
Fanny is a member of the First Intervention Team and is responsible for safety in the event of dangerous situations.
"In 2024, I will be a candidate for the second time as a member of the ACLVB. I would like to assist you, together with my colleagues, and represent you on the various councils and committees to obtain the right answers and the best agreements for a healthy balance between living and working world."
"The full commitment to correct compensation and the allocation of meal vouchers will be on
the agenda."
"In my remaining time, I try to find the right balance between my family and my hobby, which has turned into a sport on a European level for me and my daughter. Our time is spent on the Gipsy horses ranch and in my trainer's private stables."