Kirsten Verhaegen

Kirsten has been working at KU Leuven since 2003. First for 3 years as executive secretary at the Finance Department, then for more than 18 years as administrative assistant finance and HR in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care and since April 2024 she works as administrative HR assistant in the department of Physics and Astronomy.
Since 2008, Kirsten has been active in the social dialogue within KU Leuven.
Those who know her, know that she really values honesty, trust and respect and that she has a great sense of justice. She therefore finds it important to defend the interests of all employees within KU Leuven and to help ensure that they can do their job in the best possible conditions.
Staff members should be able to develop further in their jobs and thus also have better career opportunities. Unfortunately, internal mobility within KU Leuven is not easy. This can and must improve!
Kirsten also wants to continue her efforts to reduce the workload to create a better work-life balance. The collective labor agreement telework and digital connectivity of 2021 has already been an important first step in the right direction.
Kirsten lives in Baal (Tremelo), is married and has a son of almost 12 years old. Her social life revolves mainly around her family, her son who has his own hobbies (soccer and archery) and her 3 dogs (Jack Russell Terriers) with whom she has practiced dog sports such as agility and dog dance for many years. Besides her family, Kirsten enjoys hiking, puzzles, good food and exciting crime series.