Mieke Decaluwe

I am Mieke Decaluwe, 46 years old, married with 2 children aged 10 and 12. We have a dog at home and walking is 1 of my hobbies. In addition, I always look forward to weekend getaways and annual holidays with the family, this year we are going to the Scottish Highlands for a few weeks.
I have been working for the KU Leuven daycare centers since September 2020 and I really like it so far.
Now, for the first time, I'm going to be a trade union delegate and I'm standing up for the next social elections.
Why union representative:
- Ever since I chose to study nursing, my life has been about helping people
- If I like to work somewhere, I usually commit myself to an extra responsibility
- this commitment and learning give me energy
I'm looking forward to it!