Peter Maertens

Ondernemingsraad Leuven-Brussel - p1
CPBW Leuven-Brussel - p21
Peter is chairman of the ACLVB KU Leuven team. He graduated from Law school (KU Leuven) and had a rich legal career (lawyer, asset manager, deputy auditor for the Supreme Council of Justice) before becoming a (administrative) staff member at the Faculty of Law.
Anyone who has questions or problems regarding their employment or who is facing serious challenges in their career can always count on Peter's expertise and helpfulness.
“The main challenges for KU Leuven at the moment are:
- the correct use of the available resources. Maintaining purchasing power for the staff is at the top of the list. Staff who work for KU Leuven should not become poorer by working for KU Leuven. Allocation of meal vouchers, adjustment of office allowance and bike allowance up to the statutory fiscal maximum is a necessity. Joint (employer/union) pressure on the government for better financing (e.g. basic financing) has also become a must.
- Reducing the workload. Employee satisfaction monitor after monitor shows an extremely high workload for all personnel . The first steps were taken by collective labor agreements on telework and the right to disconnect. But even more concrete actions are required.
- Social safety and appreciation. Sufficient measures so that those few do not ruin it for everyone else. An adjustment of the trust network and the updated disciplinary regulations are good examples that were achieved partly by the trade unions. Appropriate appreciation mechanisms and a code of conduct are examples of where the current management team still needs a little push.”
In his free time, Peter is the founder and director of a Flemish Brabant hiking and cycling club (260 members) and acts as the “integrity contact point” for the Flemish walking federation with more than 60,000 members.
Peter is a (sports) masseur as a secondary profession.
His 4 grandchildren are his greatest passion.