Tom Van der Donck

Since august 2016, I am the ATP-representative in the group council. From 2018 on I also became member of the Academic Council.
I started my studies in Engineering Electronics and Materials Science at KU Leuven (1996-2003). Afterwards I became a researcher (ABAP) within the department Materials Science (2003-2010). I was ABAP representative for my department in the Faculty council Engineering Sciences. From October 2010 I became ATP member for research support in electron microscopy.
I was involved for a long time in the discussions between the ATP representatives and the dialogue with the rector before I took up the mandate of ATP representative Science and Technology. The following topics were handled in recent history:
- Dialogue between rector and representatives;
- Dialogue with personnel service on different topics: OFD 2.0, teleworking, satisfaction monitor, …;
- Starting up co-creation teams: e.g. internal mobility.
In the latest social elections from 2020 I was elected to become the secretary of the Works Council Louvain-Antwerp-Brussels-Limburg. I was also elected substitute for the CPBW, CPZ and the association council. Social representation in our big organization is essential, collaboration into a constructive participation and communication is a good starting point. Consultation over different groups of representatives is crucial for the further extension of our Alma mater. I would like to continue working actively on the many tasks as a representative. We also support people actively with specific questions in the framework of the social dialogue.
During my limited free time, I like to go for a long walk. Furthermore I like gardening and working in the forest.