Toon Boon

Toon works at KU Leuven since January 1, 1988, first as a lawyer and policy officer at the rectorate, since 2014 as a lawyer in the legal department of General Management. Toon became interim part-time ministerial cabinet employee for 10 years and part-time seconded to VLIR or Association for longer periods.

In his spare time during that period, Toon was, among other things, the founder of ROB-tv (and chairman/vice-chairman until spring 2019).

Toon was a staff representative on the Academic Council from 2009-2015 and from 2019-2023. Toon is involved in social consultation and representative in the Works Council, the Workplace Safety Commitee and the Personnel Matters Committee since 2016.

He is very concerned about the involvement of all staff levels in policy and about transparency in decision-making and communication.

In his spare time he is a convinced cyclist. Solely by commuting alone almost 10,000 km/year with the bicycle. Ecological, economical and healthy. He is also currently following training to become regional (tourist) guide Hageland.